iSipnayan at BES now on its third year

From March 2010, the iSipnayan after-school math program continues on its third year at Bagumbayan Elementary School (BES). To recall last year’s newsletter headline article, the iSipnayan pilot or trial at BES had just finished its first year and was beginning its second year. The apparent strength of the program gave the iSipnayan team the confidence to look for other schools to roll out the program to. Up to March 2010, the BES roll-out team had consisted of lead Katherine “Ella” Cruz-Aguila and supported by Rachel Tanaka. They were in charge of day-to-day operations of the iSipnayan center, which is open from Tuesdays and Fridays from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. At the present time, 35 students are enrolled in the program, out of an 800-student population.

Last year, we had reported that the Grade 2 materials were complete, debugged and improved; that Grade 3 materials were complete; and Grade 4 materials were under development. We’re happy to report that as of March 2010, Grades 2, 3, 4, and 5 materials are complete and Grade 6 materials are currently being completed.

The development team continues to be supervised by Ella Cruz-Aguila on part-time basis, given her request to take partial leave. The roll-out responsibility has been taken over by Rachel Tanaka, with assistance from Malue Gal.

To measure how effective the iSipnayan program had been at Bagumbayan Elem, the program’s pilot school, the team religiously gives a second diagnostic exam 6-8 months after the first diagnostic test. Over the past two years, the measured difference in scores after six to eight months into the program have been phenomenal. Of the 27students measured, scores improved anywhere from 6% (64 to 68) to 157% (from 35 to 90). The average improvement was an impressive 44%. As with the Kumon Math program, iSipnayan parents unanimously noted the jump in discipline and concentration of their children, the increased speed in doing sums in their heads, and the boost in selfconfidence when it came to math.